Your generosity and support make all the difference.

As a non-profit organization, Inc. depends heavily on the generosity of private donors, foundations, and corporations. Keeping It Real Loving Caring Sharing in the Neighborhood Institute, Inc. is dedicated to the total operation against poverty in the areas of health, housing and social pride in Louisville/Jefferson County Metro

Make checks payable to Keep It Real Neighborhood Institute
and mail in your contribution to:

Keep It Real Neighborhood Institute
Attn. Rev. Bo Stillwell,
2900 W. Broadway, Ste. 310
Louisville, KY 40211-1226

Keeping It Real is recognized as a nonprofit public charity under section 501 c 3 of the Internal Revenue Code.

Contact Keeping It Real Loving Caring Sharing in the Neighborhood Institute Inc. today at 502-379 6699, or browse the website for more information about health or housing